Scott Hess obtained an LOM 332 engine which came with this hub. It is of a design I have not seen before. It uses an SAE bolt pattern and threads so appears to be intended for an American standard prop. hub - Interesting.

Scott emailed the LOM factory and the next day received a detailed response, along with a number of engineering drawings. Their responsiveness is remarkable these days. (It comes and goes :) ) It included:
"The pictures probably show the propeller flange p/n V231-010 of LOM.
This flange was made specially for a company of Joe Krybus (USA) or for Moravia Co. (Canada)."
The reply went on to describe in great detail how to mount the hub and what parts are required to support it.

This is a "standard" LOM hub. It is intended for use with LOM metal props as well as a number of others that conform to the European bolt hole pattern (Same as a Tigre)

This is an LOM wood prop hub. I has a larger flange and a central support for a spinner

And it is also possible to use a Walter Minor hub on an LOM engine. The nose fairing requires modification but it results in an overall shorter engine installation.