- Written by: Charlie Miller
- Written by: Gilles Tatry
- Written by: Administrator
- Written by: Administrator
There are not many parts of a Bücker that need plating, but the baggage compartment lock is one example. Mine had significant surface rust and so needed restoration.
- Written by: Administrator
My engine had a tiny, mysterious oil leak. After each flight the rear of the engine had a thin film of oil on it. Not always enough to drip, but enough to feel or to see on a clean rag. I have never been able to find the source of this annoyance until this weekend.
- Written by: Administrator
This year I have been experimenting with tires. The standard Jungmann can be entertaining on a hard surface runway and I wanted to see how ground handling might be affected by different tires.
This is by no means scientific and certainly there are many with more experience than me on the subject. This only applies to aircraft converted to American Cleveland 6 inch wheels too. I thought I would share some thoughts anyway. Besides, there is nothing like posting something others disagree with to generate some correspondence :)
- Written by: Gottfried Pönnighaus
As many of us already know the cylinder studs for the Tigre engines should be rolled and not cut.
It happened on a warm summer evening over northern Germany in 2007. The engine began to shake heavily, lots of oil was coming, as we like it only in the movies...
- Written by: Administrator
I received a phone call recently from a person who needed help in converting his aircraft electical system from 24v to 12v. He wanted to do this, he said, to save weight. Its not the first time I have heard this. Its rather odd though, because if you research the reasons that Piper and Beech changed from 12v to 24v, they cite the desire to save weight!
To understand the problem, there are a few simple facts we need to understand:
- Written by: Don Vance

- Written by: Administrator
- Written by: Administrator
- Written by: Administrator

- Written by: Administrator
Please view the new version here: The E.N.M.A Tigre- Thsings we have learned.
Thank you Larry and Karl!
- Written by: Gilles Tatry
I took off the Ellison TBI for some work on my Tigre engine, and did not modify any setting. Two months later everything was assembled again, but the engine would not start.
- Written by: Gilles Tatry
Some have improved it by using oil instead of grease, with deeper rocker box covers used as oil sumps. The oil, splashed around by the rockers, lubricates all the parts as soon as the engine starts, and drips back down into the sump, transferring heat from the valves stems and springs to the outside. They are happy with it, and engines opened after 300 hours show no valve guide wear.
- Written by: Gilles Tatry
- Written by: Gilles Tatry
- Written by: Gilles Tatry
Its diameter is the same as the original, but one must machine spacers to fit the axle.
- Written by: Ian Hannah
I have uploaded a draft report which I am happy to share with the forum for feedback on the basis that it is an illustrative and not definitive, partially informed view.
- Written by: Skygonzi