Since 1980 we have been performing conversions of the Bücker 131 to Lycoming 160 and 180 hp. Also for these conversions to Lycoming engines we have the type certificate from the LBA.
In our company the production of Bücker airplanes and their components is still done according to the original Bücker drawings. Our operating license from the LBA for production and maintenance includes the Bücker types Bü131, Bü13 and Bü181.
From 1967-1970 we completely constructed new 4 each Bücker 133 at the request of Mr. Jack Canary for export to the USA. For this project we were provided with the original drawings by Mr. Clemens Bücker; and the four Bücker 133 were built according to these drawings (photo attached, showing Mr. Bücker, Jack Canary and Josef Bitz, the then owner and founder of the company Bitz).
After the death of Mr. Bitz, Gertraud – the daughter of Mr. Bitz – and her husband, Josef Griener, took over the company and continued his work in his spirit.
Furthermore we attach some photos showing the first Bücker 133 we delivered to the USA and a conversion to Lycoming 180 hp. The photos date back to about 1985.

Picture 1 shows Josef Bitz Jack Canary and Mr. Bücker,
1979, when the first CASA Bücker arrived from Spain, the company Bitz was commissioned by the LBA to carry out the German registration of the approx. 40 CASA Bücker.
In the past decades many rarities of the air have been restored in our company. Different Bücker types (bü131, bü133, bü181 and CASA) as well as other vintage aircraft, like Klemm 25, Klemm 35, Fokker Dreidecker (Fokker Triplane), FW-44 „Stieglitz“, FW 56 „Stösser“, Fieseler Storch, Messerschmit M17 and many others.
For further details and more information please visit our homepage:
- Gertrude Griener