When flying without a parachute some sort of seat cushion is needed. After years of sitting on whatever old garments were lying around in the hangar I started the process of making real cushions. I took a sheet of insulating foam and cut it into sections that fit the seat pan. The sections were then glued together and carved to exactly fit the seats.

My plan was to add some closed cell "temperfoam" and then cover it in a suitable upholstery material. That plan was changed, however, when a hangar neighbor pointed out that he knew someone expert in crafting leather upholstery who would probably may be able to help.

Enter Nathan Stewart. Nathan makes leather upholstery for motorcycles and other vehicles and is now able to make Bücker seats, seat backs and headrests on request. You can choose just the seat cushion or a complete leather cockpit. You can select almost any material, color, design and stitching style you like. Some examples of his work are shown below. N28BU has plain cushions, N131HT has the diamond stitched seats, seat back and headrest. The cushions are retained in place by a cord that passes through the two drain holes in the bottom of the seat.


To order seats and discuss the design contact Nathan directly at +1 614 961 9681 by text message or by voice. If you are unable to connect, email me and I will pass on your message.